4 Strategies That Helped me Save OVER $25,000

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I love spending money… but love saving money too! It's fun and challenging to come up with ideas how to make extra cash, set goals and watch the dollars add up!

Recently, I started my “Saving Money Era” and I was shook by how much I was able to save. Over $25,000!

I want to share what I’ve learned with you in case you are looking for ideas and inspiration on how to save or make money….. however you want to look at it.

Here are the 4 strategies that helped me save over $24k -

  • Selling Stuff (Besides on Amazon)

  • Creating Multiple Streams of Income

  • Using Money Back Programs

  • Cutting Back & Finding Alternatives

Selling Stuff (Besides on Amazon)

I want to challenge you to sell on other platforms. Don’t limit yourself and START BY TAKING A LOOK AROUND YOUR HOUSE!

Sell stuff you don’t need, don’t use, Dont want.

For instance, I had a bunch of electronics collecting dust in a drawer. So I got an instant quote and sent them to Buybacktronics.com for cash! How much cash? $1025.00! Cha Ching!

I also sold my kayaks and some other things on Facebook Marketplace I hadn’t been using and made an additional $650.00.

I posted my clothes I was no longer wearing on my Poshmark - $147.00.

Get $10 by Poshmark when using my referral code https://posh.mk/rUTvQu1r1Eb AMZ_STEELE

You could also sell on Ebay.

Just selling stuff (besides on Amazon) that was collecting dust made me a Total of $1822.00 in extra cash!

Simply ask yourself, “What are some the other platforms I could sell on besides Amazon!?”

Creating Multiple Streams of Income

I’m sure you have other talents, gifts, and expertise that you can monetize!

Here are a few ideas and examples.

I dabble in affiliate sales and just last month I made an extra $230.00.

If you are looking for an affiliate program to join I currently offer one at Coast to Coast AMZ! You can learn more and sign up HERE!

I also have a hidden talent of applying graphics and take on contract jobs whenever I can. Doing that scored me an extra $630.00, recently.

Dabbling in Etsy POD earned me an additional $100.00 and counting!

If you are interested in learning Etsy POD, check out eCommEmily HERE! She has a lot of great free and paid tools to help you succeed.

YouTube has also been a small (but appreciated) source of extra cash. I recently cashed out my $100.00 threshold payout… it may have taken me several months… but I sure do love to get my occasional pay out!!

Just those couple of additional hustles got me a total of $1,060.00 In the last couple months.

Ask yourself, “What are some side hustles I can do to make some extra cash?”

Using Money Back Programs

My number one recommendation for Amazon sellers is GETIDA - in November they got me back over $168.00 (recovered almost 1k total in just a few months!)

I’ve written a blog about it HERE and encourage you to sign up. There is no monthly fee and they only take a percentage of what they successfully recovered. It’s the perfect outsourcing tool!

Another one you might be familiar with is Rakuten. This is a must have for OA! I don’t do a lot of OA but I will gladly take the $42.00 in rewards I recently cashed out.

Don’t limit yourself to Rakuten…

Recently, I started using Brandclub which is great for RA because it gives you rewards towards your in-store purchases. I use it for my sourcing AND personal grocery shopping as well. I’ve already got over $20+ and I just started using it a couple weeks ago.

Sign up with my link HERE and we both get rewarded! Woot! Woot!

Another one I love and I’ve written a couple blogs about it HERE and HERE is CC rewards. Recently I cashed out $75 in FREE Gift Cards!

Just using a few money back programs has collected me a total of $305.00 in the past couple months!

Ask yourself, “What money am I leaving on the table? What reward programs can I take advantage of?”

As you can see all those little things I mentioned above added up FAST!

That is already an additional $3187.00 in my pocket!

Remember! Just as fast as little incomes can add up so can little expenses.

The next thing I’m going to share might be the hardest thing to do!

If you are at a point where you are trying to save serious money, pay off debts or whatever your goal may be. You will want to pay attention to this last tip because this is where I got the biggest results!

Cutting Back or Find Alternatives

As much as I believe in phrases like, YOLO, Self Care, You deserve it, You earned it and Treat yo self! That sh*t cost money!

I’m going to share what I CUT or found ALTERNATIVES for that saved my bank -

  • $70 month on nails - CUT $420.00 and counting.

  • $22 month on WW app - ALTERNATIVE free myfitnesspal app instead

  • $35 on Trail App - CUT because I don’t use it.

  • $40 by switching to annual prime - ALTERNATIVE to monthly fee that costs more

  • $20 month drink addiction - ALTERNATIVE Panera sip club membership $12 month

  • $2,000.00 - CUT out a recent travel plan/vacation

If you take the $3,187.00 saved from the first 3 strategies and add it to the cut backs above that totals $5,704.00. Which is AWESOME!

Ask yourself, “what are some things I can do without OR find affordable alternatives for?”

You might be wondering where is the other $18,000.00+ you saved Jeanette?! That is a giant portion! We want to know about that!

Give us that!

OK! You might be suprised to know that the remaining money I saved was the result of making TWO changes that had a major impact for me and they could have a major impact for you as well.

I Moved

I Moved into a MUCH smaller house. We had been living in our large apartment for 3 years and the rent kept creeping up. We could have stayed but we weighed our options and opted to move into a cozy casa.

Moving will save me a whopping! $14,400 over the next 12 months.

Ask yourself, “am I willing to move into a smaller house to save big money?”

I got a NEW CAR!

The final change that made a big impact was I traded my big a$$ Jeep for a small and affordable vehicle.

This not only saved on monthly payments but also gas and registration.

This new car will save me at least $5,600.00 over the next 12 months because that number doesn’t include continued savings on gas and registration.

Ask yourself, “am I willing to save money by purchasing an alternative car?”

If you’ve been following along, that makes a grand total of $25,704.00

That’s it! Those are the 4 strategies I used to save over 25k!

Does this mean I have $25k currently chilling in my bank account….NO!

I have put this extra money to WORK! So what am I doing with this extra cash and savings?

  • I’ve paid off a $4k credit card

  • Paid off my king sized mattress

  • Paid off my Peloton

  • Paid off Medical bills

I hope these 4 strategies helped inspire you and give you some ideas on how you can save BIG and make your money goals a reality!

money bar graph
Jeanette Steele

Florida girl currently living in a California world. I am obsessed with all things travel, Disney and food. Disney reminds me of my home, my favorite family memories and that care free feeling I can’t find anywhere else. ✈️ 🏰 🍿


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