Amazon SOP Checklist

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Co-written by Retail Rogue

Not sure what action steps you should be making in your Amazon Selling Business? I want to share with you my personal Amazon SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) checklist.

Before we begin, understand that there is no “one size fits all” for running a business. Every business has a unique set of needs.

My goal with this blog is to share my checklist in hopes that it may help you!

I will be sharing my following checklists -

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly


Check Sales - This probably comes naturally to all Amazon Sellers! Be sure to check your sales daily! Here’s why….

Review Profit & Margins - Once you check your sales, it’s a good idea to review not only what you are selling, but find out what profit those items are making. Once you find the items that are performing well you will want to…

Add to Shopping List - Now that you know what is selling AND if it’s making good profits & margins. Add that item to your shopping list! You need more of those!

Match expenses in quickbooks - Another great habit to get into is matching your expenses in your Quickbooks daily. The reason to do this daily is because it will be fresh on your mind what the transaction is for.

For example - I go to Walmart for shipping supplies, office supplies and inventory. When I see those expenses come through Quickbooks I have it fresh on my mind which type of expense it actually is so I can match it correctly.

Check for sales coupons and discount codes - Lastly, check your email daily for the current sales, discounts, coupons and deals!


Record Mileage - If you aren’t recording your mileage, you are missing out on a tax deduction! Last year I was able to deduct over $1,140 for recording my mileage.

Mileage 1,141.73

I use Quickbooks to automatically record my mileage. There are a lot of other apps out there that can help you track your mileage. Shop around and find out which one works best for you.

File Receipts - Another really important tax related thing you need to do weekly is save and file your receipts. I like to put mine in envelopes with the month and year on them. This will make it easy for you to find them in future, when needed.

Sourcing - This is probably another no-brainer! It is important to source weekly. If you are just starting out, don’t focus too much on how much you're finding. Focus on becoming consistent. Consistency is key.

Find out which days work best for you and your schedule. This will set you up for success.

Pack & Prep inventory - Don't let your inventory sit around collecting dust. Time is money, honey! Get that money prepped, packed and shipped out weekly!

Reprice Inventory - A lot of people have repricers nowadays. I’ve heard a lot of really great things about repricers but I don’t have any experience with them as of right now.

With that said, once a week, I like to review all of my active Amazon inventory and manually reprice my inventory. If an item has been sitting for over 30 days I like to do a little research. See why the item might not be moving and adjust accordingly.

IPI review and adjust accordingly - Another weekly task you should get into the habit of doing is checking your IPI score. Once you check your score, you can adjust accordingly.

The most common problem I personally have is a low in-stock rate. Here is how I fix it….

Change sold out listing to FBM - Here is a strategy I like to use to increase my IPI due to a low in-stock rate.

I review my inventory to make sure it is sold out (not in transfer). If I don’t plan on selling it again OR any time soon I will convert it to FBM.

Here’s how:

  • Go to Inventory > Manage Inventory. Now filter your results to show Inactive Amazon Inventory.

  • Select the items you can’t/don’t want to restock. Select “Action on…” and select “Change to Fulfilled by Merchant”

  • This will convert those listing to FMB.

Change to Fulfilled by Merchant

You can always convert them back to FBA or delete them later.

Clean office space - Last weekly task I like to do is clean my office. I typically do this on a Friday. But you can do it any day that works for you.

It is important to have a clean prep area to prevent any dirt or hair getting in or on your inventory.


Review Inventory Death Pile - If you are like most sellers, you have an inventory “death pile”. This is where unsold, expired, bad inventory goes to die.

It happens.

It is a good idea to review your death pile monthly. Find something to do with it! You can donate it, give it away, sell it on another platform, trash it, eat it, get creative!

Check office/inventory supplies - If you are packing and prepping your own inventory you will be going through a lot of supplies like polybags, tape and boxes.

Be sure to review and restock your supplies monthly. Depending on how busy you are, you may find yourself doing this more often.

Taxes - Some states require you to file monthly sales tax. If you are one of those be sure to add this to your monthly checklist.


Remove/delete old listings - Quarterly I like to remove/delete all my inactive listing that are over 6-9 months old. This just keeps my account organized.

You may not want to do this. Totally up to you!

Taxes - If you are in a state that requires quarterly sales tax filing. You will need to add this to your Quarterly Checklist.

Aging Inventory - Last but not least, it’s a good idea to deal with your aging inventory. This could mean pricing your item to sell, disposing of it, having it sent back to you or liquidating it.

It is entirely up to you!

Doing this quarterly will help prevent paying storage fees and loosing even more money on things that simply aren’t moving.


Everyone will have a different way of doing things in their Amazon Selling Business. I hope by sharing my SOP Checklist with you I can help you! Even if it’s just one tiny takeaway!

You can use and print the Amazon SOP Checklist for FREE by tapping the button below!

Amazon SOP Checklist

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Jeanette Steele

Florida girl currently living in a California world. I am obsessed with all things travel, Disney and food. Disney reminds me of my home, my favorite family memories and that care free feeling I can’t find anywhere else. ✈️ 🏰 🍿

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