How to track Receipts & Mileage with ONE APP

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I often get asked what apps I use for receipts and mileage. In this post I show you the ONE APP I use for everything and more! It’s been really great having everything I need to run my business in one spot.

I repeat! You do not need 2 separate apps to track your receipts & mileage. You will thank me later.

track receipts and mileage

1. Saving your receipts

As a business owner saving all your receipts in crucial! How are you supposed to keep track of all those slips of paper?!

I like to organize all of my receipts in THESE envelopes! I write the month and year on the envelope and tuck the receipt in after I scan it with my Quickbooks app.

Using the Quickbooks app to scan receipts is as easy as taking a photo. Once uploaded the receipt is automatically matched with the transactions in your Quickbooks.

TIP: Scan your receipts on a dark, clear surface so the app can scan it a lot easier.

track receipts and mileage

2. Mileage

If you are using your vehicle to help run your business, such as gathering goods/supplies or dropping off shipments it is super important to track your mileage.

Tracking your mileage will help you get the most out of your tax deductions at the end of the year.

I like to save time and frustration by having my Quickbooks app track my whereabouts automatically.

Quickbooks will generate a list of all the places you’ve been, so you don’t have too. It makes me feel like I am working smarter… not harder!

Once the app creates a list, I simply review the list and categorize whether it was a business trip, such as sourcing at Big Lots or a personal trip, such as hitting up the Taco Bell drive though for a bean burrito and Baja Blast zero.

It’s really that simple!

3. Organize your files

A little extra tip for you. Once I have scanned all my receipts, put them in their assigned envelopes and reviewed all my mileage I like to keep everything organized in my file box that you can find HERE.

You can use any filing cabinet or system you would like. As long as you’ve got a system that works for you, you’re on the right track. If you don’t have a system yet.. I would highly suggest creating one very soon and make it a priority.

Staying organized is going to help you feel like the bad a$$ business owner you are and prevent any unwelcome stress in the future. Staying organized might also benefit you when tax time comes.

Ready to try quickbooks?

Get 30% quickbooks for the next 6 months by using the link below.

Frequently asked questions -

  • How long should I keep my business receipts? Generally, it is recommended to save the them for at least 3 years but could vary. Always check with your tax advisor before tossing anything out.

  • How much should I be reimbursed for mileage? This will vary based on the year and current tax laws. The average in 2021 was .56 per mile.

Jeanette Steele

Florida girl currently living in a California world. I am obsessed with all things travel, Disney and food. Disney reminds me of my home, my favorite family memories and that care free feeling I can’t find anywhere else. ✈️ 🏰 🍿

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