Ready for the OA Challenge?

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One of my goals this year is to get more involved in Online Arbitrage.

I can officially say, OA Challenge Accepted!

What is the OA Challenge?

The OA Challenge is a 2 week program that is focused on learning Online Arbitrage. The classes are meant for sellers, new, established or anywhere in between.

The course offers step by step guidance, community, Q&A and more. Not to mention it has a lot of really great reviews and feedback from past graduates.

I recently joined the challenge and will be attending the next class that starts on January 16th.

If you are interested in joining or learning more about the OA Challenge, tap the button below.

Why Online Arbitrage?

OA openes new and exciting possibilities!

I currently source 99% of my inventory from local stores doing retail arbitrage, and I LOVE IT! This method is fun and profitable, but I'm looking to branch out.

During my first Q4 in 2021 I dabbled in online arbitrage and it was a game changer. I was sourcing locally and had OA inventory deliveries at my doorstep almost daily. It was then that I realized the potential in OA.

My sales and profits were at an all time high!

Unfortunately, once Q4 was over the excitement fizzled, and I began my “comfortable” routine of sourcing retail only.

“Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones” - Unknown

Ya’ll know what time it is? It’s time to get uncomfortable!

I’m really looking forward to this OA Challenge, learning, growing as an Amazon seller and I hope to see you there!

Frequently asked questions -

Is the class live?

The challenge is live but you will also get access to all recorded so you can take it at your own pace if you'd like. -

What If I'm an Experienced Seller? Is This a Waste of Time?

Absolutely not! This program is beneficial to sellers of every range of experience. -

Jeanette Steele

Florida girl currently living in a California world. I am obsessed with all things travel, Disney and food. Disney reminds me of my home, my favorite family memories and that care free feeling I can’t find anywhere else. ✈️ 🏰 🍿

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