OA Challenge Review

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Thinking about joining the OA Challenge? I joined the challenge earlier this year and wanted to share my experience with you!

I will be covering the following topics in this OA Challenge Review -

  1. What is the OA Challenge?

  2. Why Online Arbitrage?

  3. About Chris Grant

  4. About the Facebook Group

  5. What’s on the Agenda

  6. My Results Since the Challenge

1. What is the OA Challenge?

In a nutshell, the OA Challenge is a 2 week program that is focused on learning Online Arbitrage. The classes are meant for sellers who are new, established, or anywhere in-between. No matter where you are in your Amazon selling journey, I bet you will learn something new!

The course offers step by step guidance, community, Q&A and a ton more. Not to mention, it has a lot of great reviews and feedback from past graduates.

2. Why Online Arbitrage?

Online Arbitrage opens a world of possibilities! You can do it at anytime, from anywhere with wifi connection.

Although I still do mostly retail arbitrage, OA has come in handy on the days I don’t feel like going out to source IN the stores. Incorporating OA into my weekly routine has diversified my inventory and widened my options.

The possibilities are endless!

3. About Chris Grant

According to the OA Challenge website - “Christopher Grant has sold on Amazon for over 9 years and has specialized in online arbitrage. He has taught thousands of sellers how to implement his methods for finding products 24/7 to scale their Amazon businesses to new heights.”

According to me - Chris is a very cool dude. I could tell right away by the dinosaur scull in his office and his t-shirt that read “Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica” and throughout the challenge his t-shirts did not disappoint.

I really enjoyed Chris’ teaching style! He is very thorough. Not only does he show you what the tool is and how to use it, he takes it a step further by providing scenarios in which you may want to use the tool. He really pushes you to think outside the box and get creative.

Chris is a wealth of knowledge and I truly enjoyed learning from him.

4. About the Facebook Group

All of the lessons and resources are hosted via Facebook Group.

The best part is that you will have LIFETIME access to the group! Don’t worry about taking a ton of notes, printing out the endless resources or panicking if you miss a lesson. Everything is there for you when you need it.

All of the lessons are hosted live so you can chat with the group and ask questions. You can also hide your chat box if you find it too distracting (like me!😵‍💫). If you miss a class, no worries, all the lessons are recorded so you can refer back to them at any time.

Class was held every night for 14 days straight and would typically last between 1-2+ hours. It varied.

I did feel overwhelmed at times because there was a ton of new information coming at me daily. But remember when you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath, be present, take a couple of key notes and come back for a deeper dive later!

Rome wasn’t built in a day, ya’ll.

There are also a TON of extra resources in the “Guides” section of the Facebook group such as discounts, recommendations, free ungating guides and MORE!

The Facebook Group will be your lifeline during the OA Challenge and you will find yourself referring back to it time and time again.

5. What’s on the Agenda

So what will you be learning? A LOT! Here are a few examples of what is on the agenda:

  • Two full days of Keepa. - You will learn all the nifty things Keepa can do because it does A TON more than you might realize!

  • How to manually source

  • How to use a leads list

  • How to use Tactical Arbitrage and MANY other tools and extensions.

  • Lots of Q&A - If you have a question Chris will answer it!

You can read the full agenda on the OA Website.

Everyone will take away something different from the course but for me it was getting a better understanding of Keepa, learning new sourcing methods, and networking.

6. My Results Since the Challenge

Since my class back in January I’ve noticed a few positive changes in my Amazon business. My thought process when finding/purchasing inventory has changed. I have networked more with other sellers and have a better understanding of Keepa.

Although I still do mostly RA. I have been doing OA more often and my sales are the best they have been in OVER A YEAR!

OA Challenge Results

If you are looking to learn something new, invest in your business, network with like-minded Amazon Sellers, or get out of a rut (like I was in) I challenge you to take the OA Challenge!

According to the OA Challenge website “We are so confident you'll love the OA Challenge that if for any reason you don't, we will give you 100% of your money back AND an extra $50 bonus for your time. We want to take the risk off your shoulders and put our money where are mouth is!”

You have absolutley nothing to lose and so much to gain! Sign up today before class starts on April 24th 2023!


Overall I found the OA Challenge super informative and it has helped me get my year started off right! If you are ready to learn more about the challenge - CLICK HERE!

Frequently asked questions -

Is the class live?

The challenge is live but you will also get access to all recorded so you can take it at your own pace if you'd like. - OAChallenge.com

What If I'm an Experienced Seller? Is This a Waste of Time?

Absolutely not! This program is beneficial to sellers of every range of experience. - OAChallenge.com

Jeanette Steele

Florida girl currently living in a California world. I am obsessed with all things travel, Disney and food. Disney reminds me of my home, my favorite family memories and that care free feeling I can’t find anywhere else. ✈️ 🏰 🍿


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