Top 5 Strategies I used to Break my ALL TIME Monthly Sales Record!

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I have been A LOT more focused this year and it has paid off with a new record! I’ve been so busy killing it that I didn’t even realized I broke this record until my coach pointed it out. But more about that later.

Here are the top 5 strategies I used to break my ALL TIME monthly sales record -

  • Sourcing More

  • Spending More

  • The OA Challenge

  • Coaching

  • Coast to Coast Flips Group

Sourcing More

Sourcing more sounds kinda obvious BUT I had the mindset that I was “doing enough” last year. Don’t get me wrong, I was consistently learning, sourcing and shipping in inventory throughout the year for steady sales.

BUT I was only doing it 1-2 times a week for a few hours at a time. That was enough to have consistent sales and a great starting point, but I wanted MORE. Cue the Britney Spears Gimme More song…

I also took September and October off to travel and live my best life! Although I do not regret my decision it did set me back! By the way, I do not recommend traveling between September - December because you will miss out on those Q4 Profits!

This year I have been sourcing longer days, traveling more miles, visiting more stores, and going more often. It’s all about MORE!

If you are looking to have a record breaking month you are going to have to source MORE! Whether it’s OA or RA or both… think MORE!

Spending More

This next strategy is a direct link to the first one. When you source more, you will find yourself spending more.

When you spend more, you will find yourself with higher sales AND profits! ( if done correctly )

It can be scary at first but once you see those bigger payouts it will start to ease your mind!

Please don’t spend all willy nilly just to get higher sales numbers.. that is not what this lesson is about. Invest your money on products with a good Keepa history, go wide (diverse) , and only go deep on products with a proven result!

Your main focus should be on those profit numbers!

The OA Challenge

I took the Challenge back in January and gained a new perspective on topics like Online Sourcing, Reading/Understanding Keepa, tracking products, and so much more! This challenge really kick started the year for me.

If you haven’t already, be sure to read all about my experience with the OA Challenge HERE I highly recommend it.


Having a coach this year has been an incredible addition to my Amazon selling life.

Who is my coach? None other than Erica, also known as Retail Rogue. She use to be a nurse but decided to peace out, and pursue Amazon full time. She is also a Blogger, YouTuber, Coach and now co-founder of Coast to Coast AMZ

In my opinion she is still a nurse because she was able to resuscitate my thinking and bring my sales back to life.

She really encouraged me to source more, sell more FBM and has been available when I have questions, need guidance, or just want to talk about selling on Amazon!

There are a ton of different coaches out there. When thinking of hiring a coach you may want to concider giving Erica a shot! (nurse pun intended) You can schedule your coaching call with Erica HERE .

Coast to Coast Flips Group

Last but not least, a major part of my success last month was from being apart of the Coast to Coast Flips group.

Erica and I started this lead sharing group back in February 2023. We wanted a small lead sharing group that was affordable and provided great leads!

So far, so good!

For example - This ONE LEAD that was shared by a member resulted in over $1,900 in sales for me, with a profit of over $900.00 and still counting!

That is just one lead! I’ve benefited from a lot of the other leads shared too!

If you are interested in learning more about the group or joining, head over to to sign up for the FLIPS group. Heads up! We do have a limit of 200 members as of right now. (subject to change)

We also have a FREE group called the Coast to Coast Hangout that has helpful ungating information, asking questions and meeting other Amazon Sellers!


This year has been very productive and next month is now projected to have a NEW ALL TIMES SALES RECORD of over $14k in May according to SellerBoard

I am very excited to see the growth and I hope these tips can help you grow as well!

If you want to try SellerBoard for 2 MONTHS FREE - No credit card needed - click HERE

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Check out some of my recent sourcing videos below

Jeanette Steele

Florida girl currently living in a California world. I am obsessed with all things travel, Disney and food. Disney reminds me of my home, my favorite family memories and that care free feeling I can’t find anywhere else. ✈️ 🏰 🍿

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