$286 Profit in Target

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I have been avoiding shopping at Target and I’m not sure why.

Recently, I decided to break down that mental wall and I’m so glad I did! I’m so excited to share my sourcing trip with you that found me over $286 in profit.

Shopping Carts

First off, I was overly impressed with Targets shopping carts. They had 2 cup holders and a place to put both of my phones.

Just the shopping carts alone made shopping at target so enjoyable.

Toy Department

For my first trip I decided to source in the toy area ONLY!

TIP: If you are feeling overwhelmed by sourcing in a new store. I recommend focusing on ONE SECTION!

I wound up finding a toy that was ranking about 107,000. I paid $29.99, they are selling for $53.00 for a potential profit of $9.00

I found another toy that was ranking about 174,000. I paid $49.99, they are selling for $149.99 for a potential profit of $64.32. SCORE!

This toy was such a great find I wound up ordering 2 more online. That’s right, I did a little OA ( online arbitrage ) while doing RA ( retail arbitrage )

Which I am now calling ROA.

Just like that I found a $286 in profit on my first trip to Target!

I learned a valuable lesson that day. Take down my mental walls, pace myself, and be resourceful.


When feeling overwhelmed, take baby steps. YOU GOT THIS!

If you find a profitable item, see if you can also purchase more online or in another store close by.

Check out the rest of my sourcing trip by clicking the video below!

Jeanette Steele

Florida girl currently living in a California world. I am obsessed with all things travel, Disney and food. Disney reminds me of my home, my favorite family memories and that care free feeling I can’t find anywhere else. ✈️ 🏰 🍿


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