BOLO Group Q&A

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Today I’m answering YOUR questions about the BOLO ( Be On the Look Out ) Group. A BOLO Q&A day!

If you watch my videos you will hear me talking about BOLO leads and the BOLO group quite often so I wanted to take some time and answer a few questions I have been asked.

What is a BOLO Group?

Let’s my start off by explaining what a BOLO group is. A BOLO Group is simply a membership to a group that supplies Amazon Seller Product Leads and access to a like-minded community.

The lead will include what store the person found it in. How much it costs and how much the profit would be.

There are rules and requirements when joining the BOLO Group and I’ve put them below:

  • You must be able to sell it yourself. You cannot be in any way restricted.

  • The rank must be 150,000 or better (lower). In any main category is fine.

  • Minimum of $5 profit & 50% ROI. Shelf price, you do not need to add in sales tax or shipping price for this calculation.

  • It cannot be a clearance buy. While saving any money means more profit, clearance is harder for the rest of the group to source so it must be a regular priced item from any store.

  • Amazon cannot be selling it. At the time you scanned it.

  • Must be a recent find. Within the last 30 days, please don't share old finds - that's not cool.

So now that you know what a BOLO Group is and the rules, let’s get into the questions!

Which BOLO Group am I in?

I want to start off by saying there are a ton of BOLO groups and leads lists out there. The only ones I’ve ever joined or have been apart of are Nikki Kirks.

Nikki offers a Quarterly BOLO Group Jan-March, April-June, July-Sept, October-December. In this group you would pay up front to be apart of the group for the quarter. This group is only available certain times of the year.

She also offers a Monthly BOLO group that you can pay for each month you want to stay in the group. This group is typically available all year long, unless the group is full.

To answer the question, I am currently in the Quarterly BOLO Group. I will list the differences between the groups below.

Monthly BOLO Group

  • Larger Group

  • More Leads

  • Great Leads

  • No Hang Out

  • Great Community

Quarterly BOLO Group

  • Smaller Group

  • Less Leads

  • Great Leads

  • Monthly Hang Out ( my favorite feature )

  • Great Community

I’ve been in both groups and I love them both! I prefer the Quarterly BOLO Group because of the monthly hang outs. I really like learning from the other sellers and hearing about their experiences.

Not to mention, all the great tips and tricks I’ve picked up along the way.

How soon did I join the BOLO Group?

I started selling on Amazon in May of 2021 and waiting to join the BOLO Group until September 2021. I waited 4 months, and let me tell you why.

Like everyone, when I first started selling on Amazon I was “gated” and couldn’t sell in a bunch of categories or brands.

I wanted to get ungated before joining the group because I knew there would be leads I couldn’t sell because I was gated in soooo much.

If you are a new seller or ready to get ungated, check out these ungating guides HERE.

I also waited four months so I could get a little more comfortable sourcing, packing, prepping and shipping inventory.

Is it hard to find a BOLO to contribute?

Remember those rules and requirements I mentioned earlier? You might be concerned that you won’t be able to contribute enough to stay in the group.

For me, It hasn’t been hard. I’ve always been able to find something to contribute and I only source once a week.

Heck, some months I struggle to decide which lead I want to share.

TIP: Your BOLO Membership could be a tax deduction for your business.


The BOLO Group has been an amazing addition to my Amazon Selling journey and I highly recommend them!

If you are on the fence about it, I always say try out the monthly group and see what it’s like.

If you love it, stick around and if not, you can always leave.

I hope this was helpful and if you have any questions about BOLO Groups let me know in the video below.

Jeanette Steele

Florida girl currently living in a California world. I am obsessed with all things travel, Disney and food. Disney reminds me of my home, my favorite family memories and that care free feeling I can’t find anywhere else. ✈️ 🏰 🍿

$286 Profit in Target


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